June 4, 2012 Comments (3)

Under the benign gaze of a very handsome (and lean) Shiv, this monkey saved the Ganga from pollution…she single-handedly (ok, she used both hands) pulled out two mangoes in a plastic bag that a family was chilling in the river. She saved us all from the menace of plastic and ate both mangoes herself (as the family looked on, helpless to rescue the mangoes from her avarice) 🙂
animals• Desh• Experience• Food• Nature• Photo• Travel • animals• ganga• india• mango• mangoes• monkey• nexus s• rishikesh• river• samsung• samsung nexus s
May 25, 2012 Comments (0)

A pint-sized Nandi. So small, one would have to kneel and fold to whisper anything in his ear. Rishikesh.
animals• Desh• Experience• Photo• Travel • india• nandi• nexus s• religion• rishikesh• samsung• samsung nexus s• statue
May 18, 2012 Comments (1)

The followup image has a human being (my mother) cupping her hands to offer the bull a better chance at getting more water. I’m not posting that, but there are some other tourists who have pictures of her as well 🙂
animals• Desh• Experience• people• Photo• Travel • animal• bull• nexus s• rishikesh• samsung• samsung nexus s• thirst• water
May 16, 2012 Comments (1)
MMMM. Everything sounds so appetizing. I don’t know what to pick. What would you prefer? 🙂
Desh• Experience• Food• people• Photo• signage• Travel • english• nexus s• rishikesh• samsung• samsung nexus s• signage• unint• Words
May 5, 2012 Comments (0)
so if you can read Hindi, I’ll assume your first impulse was to take your tea and snacks down to the Ganga’s  edge, along with your trusty cake of Medimix soap, and then really laugh loudly and kick up a huge ruckus. Even if we weren’t already laughing out loud, everyone who read this sign out loud was laughing by the time they finished 😀 Big Brother is Watching Mother Ganga!
Desh• Experience• Nature• people• Photo• signage• Travel• Words • code of conduct• Funny• nexus s• rishikesh• samsung• samsung nexus s• signage• unintentionally funny
April 24, 2012 Comments (0)

Finally, inspiration for what to do with the only shape and size of anything I can kinda crochet. I found this in a very badly named children’s furnishing store (“SotoMoto.” Yes, that tells me everything about what you retail. Not.) in Delhi’s Hauz Khas village. I thought the lamps were delightful and inspirational. Yay! Finally something I can make that is useful (as opposed to scarves, which are ridiculously impractical for the climate of Mumbai). 😀
Desh• Experience• Nature• people• Travel • ganga• ganges• phone• rishikesh• sadhu• sage• samsung nexus s• Travel
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