August 30, 2011 Comments (0)

I’m sad to bid farewell to my favorite fruit for another year. This year seemed less full of mango mania but I got aam-ras a few times and sampled all the varieties. I missed 3 weeks of rain and mangoes this summer but … oh well. Got this giant chaunsa on their way out. I have large hands and this one was … ginormous! And a luscious mouthful from every side. Farewell mangoes … until next year then!
And thank god for custard apples 🙂
Bombay• Desh• Food • Bombay• fruit• mango• mumbai• samsung nexus s• season
August 28, 2011 Comments (1)
No dashboard clock? No problem. Here’s one for easy viewing for driver and passenger both. Innovative, huh?
Bombay• Desh• Travel • Bombay• cab• camera• clock• mumbai• phone• samsung nexus s• taxi
August 27, 2011 Comments (2)

Like a watercolor, no? Marine Drive in a sudden gust and storm. Riding the waves, yeah!
Blog• Bombay• people• Photo • Bombay• monsoon• mumbai• rain• samsung nexus s
August 26, 2011 Comments (0)
I came across this beauty scared stiff because a very ill-meaning man was trying to set a dog on her, but the dog just wouldn’t get it. Good for the dog 🙂
Man and dog moseyed off and the cat finally uncurled her tail and then rolled around to get extra pats and cuddles, looking very much in charge of the carriage.
You know where this rickshaw is, in Mumbai, don’t you? 🙂
Oh and this one was taken with my new Samsung Nexus S which has no zoom but is pretty good, eh?
animals• Bombay• Desh• Photo • animals• Bombay• chhavi• mumbai• samsung nexus s
May 25, 2011 Comments (1)
no, not the band, but the drink! While it’s not available anywhere except in our childhood memories, here’s a restaurant in Matunga that hasn’t updated its board in years. Perhaps this should have been a tip off about the quality. There wasn’t much attention to details. We had really unhappy utthapams. But a Gold Spot would really have hit the sweet spot … Sigh. I remember drinking it more because there were Jungle Book characters under the bottle cap but every memory of it is pleasant. As they said, “The taste goes to your smile.”
Desh• Experience• Food• Nostalgia• Photo • Bombay• drinks• htc desire• matunga• mumbai• Nostalgia
May 11, 2011 Comments (1)
… of paan.
Really. All that loveliness with rose petals and other things like “chuawara” that I don’t know how to translate (are they dates?) beautifully laid out in a 2-foot-radius! Yes, we’re talking 4-feet of thaal with only sweet-paans.
The paan-wala said his meetha paans don’t get left over – they’re all “buy and sale” the same evening. (Colaba, Mumbai)
Bombay• Desh• Experience• Food • Bombay• creative• htc wildfire
February 28, 2011 Comments (0)
…you wake up with fleas? And what about the dog?
This is one of the things I totally love about Bombay. I’ve never seen it anywhere else. This is a daytime example of someone sharing his bedroll, perhaps unknowingly, with a four-legged friend.
But if you’ve driven past the homeless at night – near VT, Dadar, Worli naka, anywhere – you’ll see man, dog, cat, even a rat, sharing space, food, love.
I <3 it 🙂
animals• Bombay• Friends• Photo • animal• Bombay• htc wildfire• humanity• love• mumbai• sharing
February 24, 2011 Comments (3)
No, not another scandal. Though, maybe it should be!
This hideous doll was stuck in the grate of a friend’s gate. Were I still 11, I’d be intent of cracking the whodunit it presents.
Who’d mutilate a doll so grotesquely?
Who’d then leave it on someone else’s gate?
Is it meant to be a message?
Who knows?
Bombay• not funny• Photo • bizarre• Bombay• doll• gate• htc wild• mumbai• strange
February 14, 2011 Comments (2)
In Ballard Estate, not too far from Elephant Gate and the navy dockyards is a wren of ill-maintained streets with idiosyncratic names that people still use, despite the MNS-ification of the nomenclature. On Goa Road is the tiny Matthieu Foss photo gallery. Finding it took us a half hour of asking and slowly zeroing in after casting quite a wide circle around the area. This charming Irani cafe beckoned from one street corner… Suitably romantic for a V’day post, I think 😉
Bombay• Photo• Travel • ballard estate• Bombay• fort• htc wildfire• irani cafe• lost• mumbai
February 12, 2011 Comments (2)
This one is near Siddhi Vinayak temple. For your tots. Or not.
I believe that “titbits” is perfectly acceptable in the United States as a term for what we, east of the Atlantic refer to as “tidbits”. But then, I’m no angel. That’s just my 2 cents, I could be factoring too much in, adding 1+1 and getting 11 …
Bombay• Desh• Funny• Photo• signage • angels• Bombay• htc wildfire• kids• language• mumbai• signage• spelling• store
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