July 29, 2013 Comments (0)

This is in Aamchi Mumbai, in the Ranwar village – that is Chapel road and Waroda road – Bandra. There is much better, clearer graffiti up in the area, including the famous Amitabh Bachchan wall, but then, the bike and kitty weren’t there, now, were they? (I also learned that this area was called Colaria Grande by the Portuguese and is one of the original koliwadas, or fishing hamlets, that made up the island of Bondura.)
Bombay• Photo • 2013• animals• art• bandra• Bombay• cats• graffiti• mobile photo• Nexus 4
August 18, 2010 Comments (2)
So the BMC has decided it will now prune trees to prevent stray branches from falling. You know what that means, right? They’re just going to start chopping everything down in sight. My neighboring building society head told me that they’d chopped down the tree between us because “mosquitoes are breeding there”. He claims to be a horticulturist. Who never went to school, evidently. Because in his next breath he also told us it didn’t matter because “Only Tulsi” gives out oxygen, other trees are not important. I nearly slit my own wrists. Maybe these little clay gods will protect this peepul from being ‘pruned’ BMC horticulture style …
Bombay• Desh• me, myself & i• Nature• people • awful• bandra• BMC• Bombay• mumbai• Nature• news• nokia 6303• pruning• trees
February 12, 2010 Comments (1)
 err, cos I’m a new vegetarian? I knew a vegetarian? I’m not sure, either. What do you think it’s supposed to mean?I spotted this flapping in the breeze on 31st road, Bandra, out of the corner of my eye. I kept walking and I guess somewhere in my head, I was trying hard to process it and figure out what it really said. Then I just had to go back and check it. The seller was more than happy to let me take a photo 🙂 If you want one of these, let me know. I’ll take orders in S, M, L and XL 🙂
Bombay• Experience• Funny• people• Photo • • bandra• Bombay• english• Funny• mumbai• nokia 6303• photo• t-shirt
August 26, 2009 Comments (3)
And that’s the moon over Bombay’s skyline. But, the moon, however, wasn’t orange – it was pink. Seriously. Twitterstanis who attended @adese’s birthday will vouch for it. Taken with my mobile phone, it’s actually amazing any colors came through at night, though!
Bombay• Desh• Nature • • bandra• Bombay• india• mooon• mumbai• nokia 6500• photo• skyline
April 21, 2009 Comments (18)
As we got out of the car to hit a trendy night spot off Linking Road, in Bandra, this bizarre shape on the sidewalk caught my eye. It was suspended in front of a lighting/lampshade store and I wondered if they’d accidently left an exotic shade out by accident when they shut shop. It took me a few seconds to figure out that it was a homeless man who’d made himself a cocoon to sleep mosquito-free! He’d hung his machchhardani from a hook in the awning and made a bed out of his bags. Voila! No malaria, scratches, or dengue for this enterprising citizen. I don’t know where he got it from or how long he’s been here (had it been day time, I would totally have asked him, but he wouldn’t be sleeping there if it were and, anyway, I wasn’t going to wake him up to do so.) Nevertheless, I was completely wowed!
Bombay• Desh• Experience• people• Photo • bandra• Bombay• dengue• machchhardani• malaria• mosquitos• mumbai• nokia 6500
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