September 16, 2011 Comments (3)

Yes, for one day only, ladies, gentlemen, there’s a tootalz sale on tootally everything.
And, gasp, it’s the name of the store.
*facepalm* What were they thinking???
But “diffencer”? Now that’s a new one. I’m beyond baffled. I’m … my brain is in a knot. I need to rest. Tootal rest.
Tootles, everyone 😉
P.s. Test your Mumbai GK: do you know where this is?
Blog• Bombay• Experience• Photo• signage • Bombay• Funny• Hinglish• htc wildfire• mumbai• photo• signage
September 14, 2011 Comments (3)

and by the title of this post I mean me, not this guys. This is not the best action shot, but take it from me, they were having a helluva lot of fun. The cynic in me wonders what infections they picked up, but their unfettered enthusiasm made me think, if I swallowed sea water and dirt regularly, maybe my immunity would improve and I could also run around uninhibited. Erm, but maybe not.
Bombay• Desh• Experience• Nature• people• Photo • arabian sea• beach• Bombay• fun• mumbai• sea• swimming• waves
September 9, 2011 Comments (3)

and then the sky turned orange and the last light reached glowing fingers into my room, tapped me on the shoulder, made me leave my desk and take this photo.
Bombay• Nature• Photo • Bombay• mumbai• photo• samsung nexus s• sea• sealink• sunset
September 7, 2011 Comments (1)
Look at that hair. do you see it? Do you? Do you? I spotted her one morning in Mumbai traffic, walking with grace in a simple, clean, ironed saree with a matching blouse. And shoes. Nothing about her suggested mendicant or even very poor. But that hair … woah! I want to know the story behind it. I really, really do!
Blog• Bombay• people• Photo • Bombay• dreadlocks• hair• india• mumbai• saree• strange• woman
September 4, 2011 Comments (0)
Spotted this in delhi. We were on its right, then its left. The van was absolutely unmarked. Nothing differentiated it from any other white van. Then when we were behind it, we found it offers some salvation. To the IRONING WORLD. But … that was all they wrote. I want more information.
Have you seen this van?
What are these mysterious solutions they offer to the “ironing world”?
(And what is the ironing world?)
Blog• Delhi• Desh• Photo • Delhi• photo• samsung nexus s• strange
September 2, 2011 Comments (2)
Right then, so if YOU know what the Gita Champions League is, you have to tell me. I, too, want to ‘discover the Arjuna in [me]. Seriously! I passed this poster near Worli – but didn’t see anyone to ask.
I’m dying to know … can we see archery fights? Like the TV Mahabharat of yore? Oooh, that would be exciting. Maybe at the Ram Leela Maidan!
Can I dress up too? Is there training?
Blog• Bombay• Experience• signage • Bombay• champions league• fight• fundamentalism• gita• mumbai• mythology• politics• samsung nexus s• strange
August 27, 2011 Comments (2)

Like a watercolor, no? Marine Drive in a sudden gust and storm. Riding the waves, yeah!
Blog• Bombay• people• Photo • Bombay• monsoon• mumbai• rain• samsung nexus s
August 26, 2011 Comments (0)
I came across this beauty scared stiff because a very ill-meaning man was trying to set a dog on her, but the dog just wouldn’t get it. Good for the dog 🙂
Man and dog moseyed off and the cat finally uncurled her tail and then rolled around to get extra pats and cuddles, looking very much in charge of the carriage.
You know where this rickshaw is, in Mumbai, don’t you? 🙂
Oh and this one was taken with my new Samsung Nexus S which has no zoom but is pretty good, eh?
animals• Bombay• Desh• Photo • animals• Bombay• chhavi• mumbai• samsung nexus s
May 25, 2011 Comments (1)
no, not the band, but the drink! While it’s not available anywhere except in our childhood memories, here’s a restaurant in Matunga that hasn’t updated its board in years. Perhaps this should have been a tip off about the quality. There wasn’t much attention to details. We had really unhappy utthapams. But a Gold Spot would really have hit the sweet spot … Sigh. I remember drinking it more because there were Jungle Book characters under the bottle cap but every memory of it is pleasant. As they said, “The taste goes to your smile.”
Desh• Experience• Food• Nostalgia• Photo • Bombay• drinks• htc desire• matunga• mumbai• Nostalgia
May 15, 2011 Comments (1)
and you thought I was making it up…
Only 80 rupees for any variant. In case the second one isn’t clear, it says ESPRET… 🙂
(see blog post a’pos’tro’phe)
Bombay• Desh• Experience• Photo• Travel •• fakes• htc wildfire• knockoffs
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