
June 11, 2007

punditz 1punditz 2

I’ve been a Punditz fan for a long, long time. I absolutely heart their music, buy all their singles off iTunes and their albums where I find them, I have a total crush on one of them, and my friends will attest that I am not very quiet about my single-minded admiration. So how could I pass up the chance to see them live? They performed at Elevate, which I had heard lots about and really liked the vibe of, with a percussionist, flautist, and a vocalist who also played guitar. The set rocked despite some technical glitches and a lot of random feedback when the singer (Mayank? Pappon) was on (I can’t find a reference to their guests’ names anywhere). They started the set kinda slow (a hard drop from the deep house before) and then built it up to Ranjhaan (yum) and finally Fever pitch.
Anyway, I had a hard time trying to decide between good photos and flattering photos so here are two 😉 Yes, it’s all relative.

BlogDelhiDeshExperienceme, myself & iMusicPhoto

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