make yourself right at home
This one is tops in my list of unbelievable kitsch. What you see is a man selling hot coffee, tea, and cocoa from the back of a tempo with a chandelier in it 🙂 Yes, look again, peer into that interior – it’s a full blown chandelier! I loved it!
This was taken at the Rijksmuseum as I waited in the freezing cold drizzle to buy a ticket around 5pm. I think our well decorated coffee vendor’s sell-rate was close to 100 percent. And which Amsterdammer or tourist wouldn’t want a hot cuppa from a man with such good taste in interior design and a fetchingly homey little ‘coffee shop’ even it’s really the back of a three-wheeler? 😀 The warm yellow glow, the aromas – he truly outdid himself, no? 🙂
Tell me you went inside and saw the Vermeers…
… and I thought of you and Vermeer the whole time 🙂 But, alas, I didn’t make it in this time. More reason to return to Amsterdam, though.