
March 3, 2012

desecrationIndians never fail to amaze me. We want to etch our names on every space we can find – “Yes, I was here. I really was. So what if I’m never coming back and that it destroys the serenity, sanctity, authenticity, or aesthetic of where I am. Dude, *I* was here!”
I’ve seen celebs try to talk sense into the junta, I’ve heard academics discussing white boards and pin boards at monuments so people can scribble on those rather than the walls, but this … this is the first time I’ve seen something like this and it’s all over the Hawah Beach area of Trivandrum’s Kovalam beach. Unbelievable!

DeshExperienceNaturenot funnypeoplePhotoTravel

3 Responses to “desecration”

  1. Reachus says:

    Dear friend,
    That’s all correct and understandable. But the simplest way to acknowledge the motherland is to think of the little children in your extended family in INDIA. Gift them something through –

  2. Satish Rao says:



    It is not just Indians. I have seen it inside the great Pyramid and also outside which was dated some 150 years ago! I have seen on the walls of the temples in Abu Simbel in Egypt among other places in the world. Probably I too must have etched my name somewhere which I do not remember now, hoping one day someone might see my name and also to get a feeling of self satisfaction that I had visited the place.

  3. download says:

    whats your twitter?

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