
September 14, 2011

and by the title of this post I mean me, not this guys. This is not the best action shot, but take it from me, they were having a helluva lot of fun. The cynic in me wonders what infections they picked up, but their unfettered enthusiasm made me think, if I swallowed sea water and dirt regularly, maybe my immunity would improve and I could also run around uninhibited. Erm, but maybe not.


3 Responses to “sanitized”

  1. Quality articles such as this is exactly what I love to find and read when I feel looking for on the internet studying material. You’ve done great function.

  2. Satish Rao says:

    I know another site in Mumbai which is only about 8 km. from the rich suburb of Mumbai and only next door to Versova where many Bollywood personalities live. Compared to this site the pictured beach looks like Malibu beach. The site I refer to is the Versova jetty from where the boats take you to Madh. Right where you catch the boat a drain pipe discharges and the water is more like tar. Half a dozen stray dogs use the place to discharge their waste. This really does not matter to the children of the local fishermen to swim in the water. I do not know whether they are completely immune to cholera, diarrhoea etc or such cases go unreported. The Municipality does not seem to be performing. Otherwise there would have been a warning sign to prohibit swimming there. The place should be seen to be believed.

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