Phantom :)

January 15, 2009

phantomOnce in a while, I see something that takes me back to my childhood with such an intensity that I have to stop and take a breath. Remember these Phantom cigs? I’d lick their pink tips and pretend to smoke them (back when I thought smoking was ‘cool’.) I seem to remember competing with my friend Rima to see who could make the end most pointy before it broke.
Maybe these have always been around and I haven’t been paying too much attention. Some candies I adored as a kid have disappeared, but others, like Parle’s Melody Chocolate Toff, have been resurrected, with shiny new 21st-century packaging. Harnik, here’s blowing phantom smoke rings at ya! ๐Ÿ™‚

DeshExperienceFoodme, myself & iNostalgiaPhoto

15 Responses to “Phantom :)”

  1. Pallavi says:

    oooohhhh I loved Phantom ciggies..

  2. Ha, this is awesome! I remember holding these in between my incisors and rotating them to make screw-like serrations along the entire length. But then, some would break ๐Ÿ™

  3. Stud says:

    Chhavi…I actually carried a pack of these back to Boston from one of my trips to the des-land. I guess I missed sharing them with you. They’ve been around for as long back as I can remember. A definite favourite ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Gopal Sea says:

    The good sign of phantom, who lived in the caves of bengali with the pygmy bandar. Hmm. Double Decker chocolate bar, i miss.

  5. Aditya says:

    OMG these were so amazingly lovely creations….
    Sends me back to the times of Pan Pasand and Swad…. OMG OMG

  6. Harshad says:

    Wow, they still make those? I’m going to buy a pack for nostalgia’s sake!

  7. Well
    i was one of those chain smokers..
    btw i have been looking for Kismi Bar. Just in case if u find it, can u please buy me a packet. Please.

  8. chhavi says:

    @Amarendra, thanks – I became a fan earlier this week. Someone else saw my post, hunted down the page and we joined ๐Ÿ™‚
    @Vivek, I loved Parle Kisme. If I find them, I’ll buy extra for you, promise.
    @Harshad, if you strike out – tell me, I now have a supplier ๐Ÿ˜‰
    @Aditto, @Pallavi – ditto ๐Ÿ™‚
    @Gopal, I found Double Decker in the Irish store – but it doesn’t taste as good as I remember ๐Ÿ™‚
    @Satish, you and my brother, both ๐Ÿ™‚
    @Stud – you never shared. Evil!!

  9. v says:

    did this post trigger an article in Et’s Brand Equity ?
    I think I read something on Phantom Cigs last week or the week before

  10. […] happened a few days ago, that a displanted desi friend posted this link on her blog โ€˜Phantom โ€™. Amazed at the fact that it is still manufactured and sold, and in the same packing as about […]

  11. Ankit says:

    Whoa!!This is nostalgia at its best!!!I so want a pack of phantom cigs now.GOsh!!I miss my childhood ..

  12. Pravs J says:

    Nostalgic Memories and Those Fond Times.

  13. Ajay Tawde says:

    I loved phantom cigges..does anyone know where I can find one today?
    I had really frieked out my sister when we were kids when saw this in my mouth the first time..she even complained to my mom…

    Would love to do it again ๐Ÿ˜€

  14. Shishir says:

    Guysssss Somebody plsss tell me where are these cigarettes available in Bangalore

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