#mumbai meri jaan

November 30, 2008

So, tonight, after 3 days of being mostly home (except for a couple of man-on-the-street interviews for Radio Netherlands’ “Newsline” program), we ventured into town to go look at the Taj and light a candle. And the vigil had been moved to Marine Drive for security reasons, but people had obviously been there and continued to come there with candles and hand written cards, as well as flowers, ironically propped up against the ghastly police barricades. We couldn’t get much closer to the Taj Palace, but the strange thing is how peaceful it all seemed. Serene, even.


13 Responses to “#mumbai meri jaan”

  1. Serene. Peaceful. Like someone had died a couple of days ago. Everyone picking up the pieces quietly. 🙁

  2. Priyanka says:

    nice post :)…it’s important to highlight the peaceful reactions to tragedy…

  3. I can very well imagine that the feeling would be more of numbness and an uncanny calm at the end of this whole ordeal. I’m, however, concerned that the lull will soon transition into business, everybody would be back at work, life would go on, people would go on, and we would do nothing to fix what’s wrong with the system.

  4. chhavi says:

    @kpowerinfinity i think your fears are very real and not exaggerated. Which is why I hope we, together, can come up with something outside of useless rhetoric that can be translated into *constructive* action and SOON.
    karmayog.org is trying to get people to do this http://groups.yahoo.com/group/karmayog/message/44249. I keep trying to put this forum out there so there can be a space for consolidated reactions.

  5. RustedShri says:

    I tried to bring back normalcy to my life last evening. Still too numb. Hope this brings all together as a society. Peace out.

  6. chhavi says:

    @kpowerinfinity @rustedshri
    I think there’s a danger in going back to normal too quickly. I think we should mobilize ourselves while there’s momentum, before the outrage turns to rage. @kpowerinfinity, i appreciate you’ve actually got ideas on what we can all do, but there’s got to be more than feeling the love, engaging in endless rhetoric, blaming our politicians and lighting candles (http://citizensforpeace.in/blog/2008/11/29/in-remembrance-in-respect-in-solidarity/#comment-1751).
    I’m trying to send people the karmayog discussion so that there is a consolidated set of ideas out there: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/karmayog/message/44249
    Check it out. See you at the vigil.

  7. Gopal Sea says:

    I don’t know when I will start crying. For three days, I have felt my weakest ever, not ventured outside the house, just glued to the television. Sometimes it’s better to finish a job than let your emotions take control. I know what I’m going to do next year, it’s definitely not here in Kerala, given what i see in the media here, especially Indiavision and Kairali and cunning foxes dinner which is Asianet. I guess my school would be worried at my absense. I’m just dropping thoughts here.

  8. roop says:

    i was afraid i’d lost u to the virtual world somewhere! so glad you are back! 🙂

    hopefully, i’d see u soon in mumbai. we get there 21st.

  9. Gopal Sea says:

    Bobbing up and down gasping for breath. But alive. Right?

  10. Harry says:

    we along with some other Delhi based bloggers are planning to spend x-mas at the taj and gateway of india…!

  11. abhijit says:

    nice gesture! it must have been a great experience lighting candles at that emotional moment. it’s a divine act!

  12. Georgina says:

    the brand new mac range is being launched soon, yay

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