
September 1, 2008

drops of blue against ixoraThe monsoon is nearly over and at least one soul in Mumbai is very sad about it. (hint: me!) Today we had a brief burst of rain and it made me happy. The last few days have been disgustingly bright. Here’s a photo from the terrace after the rain, of our wrought-iron garden furniture against the ixora. I love how the drops of water look blue as they swell to unsustainable girth, then plop and shatter, regaining their transparency. I could watch these for hours. Preferably while it’s still raining 🙂 (And I’m singing “Brishti Pore tapur tupur” in my head) (nope, can’t find an mp3 or a video from the movie I’m thinking of.)


6 Responses to “in’ixora’ble”

  1. Dushyant says:

    Hey chavvi.. have been goin thru ur blog since a couple of weeks now. Pretty interestin stuff in there. Gud work.. BTW I think u shd book a button on iunder the “Lifes like that” segment. Ur blog seems to be perfect for that segment 😉
    Cheerz and keep up the gud work

  2. Jaya says:

    inexorably beautiful!

  3. chetthaker says:

    I was just commenting yesterday how I like it when it rains if you have natural beauty as the backdrop. It’s not nice when you have only a concrete jungle because it’s all grey and boring but like you’re pic shows rain and flowers mix very well.

    Today a friend visiting from Melbourne was telling me how they have a drought in Australia at the moment and all the green has disappeared. Maybe we Brits shouldn’t complain so much about the rain we get since we have a lot of nice green to enjoy. Lovely photo.

  4. Vincent says:

    I agree with Jaya: very nice picture!

  5. Pallavi says:

    Ahha .. nodi elo baan.. shib thakurer bie holo.. teen konya daan..
    Man I used to sing this when I was little, of course parotting it after learning it from my aunt who used to teach me poems.. to divert me from a kid’s boredom during rains.. in Shillong..

  6. chhavi says:

    @pallavi shillong must have been nice and rainy, too! What a fabulous place to watch the rain and sing along 🙂

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